George Orwell's dystopian fiction, Nineteen Eighty-Four, could be considered as a Rosetta Stone for interpreting the Great Reset.

Plausible roots of the Great Reset agenda have been traced back 80+ years, to when James Burnham wrote a book articulating his vision for “The Managerial Revolution." 
Burnham's book (1940), and his subsequent title (1943), prompted a critique of Burnham (1946) by Orwellfollowed by Orwell's publication (1949) of 1984.

The putative Great Reset "Rosetta Stone" is connoted by the following image ("oligarchical collectivism"The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism):
The preceding image signifies a stratified society
Elaboration: stranger-prevalent eigenmode
Great Reset
Bringing Transhumanism Down to Earth
  1. Military Intelligence Operations Cloaked in the False Promise of Transcendence
  2. Transhumanist Futures, Part 2: Humanity in the Crosshairs
  3. Military Operations in Civilian Disguise, Part 3: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for Humans 2.0